Sentence-level sentiment analysis based on supervised gradual machine learning Scientific Reports

semantic analysis of text

This method has shown superior performance over existing models on multiple benchmark datasets, underscoring the value of incorporating syntactic structure into sentiment classification representations69. Zhang and Li’s research advances aspect-level sentiment classification by introducing a proximity-weighted convolution network that captures syntactic relationships between aspects and context words. Their model enhances LSTM-derived contexts with syntax-aware weights, effectively distinguishing sentiment for multiple aspects and improving the overall accuracy of sentiment predictions70. Huang and Li’s work enhances aspect-level sentiment classification by integrating syntactic structure and pre-trained language model knowledge. Employing a graph attention network on dependency trees alongside BERT’s subword features, their approach achieves refined context-aspect interactions, leading to more precise sentiment polarity determinations in complex sentences71.

By combining both LSTM and GRU in an ensemble model, the objective is to enhance long-term dependency modelling and improve accuracy. The ensemble model consists of an LSTM layer followed by a GRU layer, where the output from LSTM serves as input for GRU. Social media websites are gaining very big popularity among people of different ages. Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Snapchat allow people to express their ideas, opinions, comments, and thoughts. Therefore, a huge amount of data is generated daily, and written text is one of the most common forms of the generated data. Business owners, decision-makers, and researchers are increasingly attracted by the valuable and massive amounts of data generated and stored on social media websites.

GRUs implemented in NLP tasks are more appropriate for small datasets and can train faster than LSTM17. There have been very few research studies on Urdu SA, and it is still in its early stages of maturation compared to other resource-rich languages like English. Because of the scarcity of linguistic resources, this can be discouraging for language engineering scholars. The majority of previous research papers47 focused on various areas of language processing such as stemming, stop word recognition and removal, and Urdu word segmentation and normalization. One of the top selling points of Polyglot is that it supports extensive multilingual applications. According to its documentation, it supports sentiment analysis for 136 languages.

In this study, the training set consisted of approximately 60,000 sentences extracted from novels, all of which were labelled using a lexicon-based approach. It is important to acknowledge that there may be potential bias introduced during the data labelling process due to the nature of the dictionary used. Furthermore, it should be noted that the models developed in this study may not be specifically tailored to the topic of sexual harassment, as they were trained on sentences from various novels.

Aspect based sentiment analysis and its subtasks

The models indicate that 61% of the semantic importance series of ERKs Granger-cause the Personal component of the Consumer Climate index, while only 34% Granger-cause the Future component and 27% the Current component. It is not surprising that average consumers have a better understanding of their personal situation when responding to questions but may be less informed about economic cycles. When answering questions about their own financial situation, individuals are likely to have a more accurate understanding of their personal circumstances. However, when it comes to broader economic trends and cycles, the average consumer may not have the same level of knowledge or expertise. This is understandable, as economic cycles can be complex and difficult to understand without specialized training or experience. Interestingly, this representation of the current situation comes from online news, which may report what is currently happening more than depicting future scenarios—which may directly impact consumers’ opinions and economic decisions.

As usual, we measure the performance of different solutions by the metrics of Accuracy and Macro-F1. All the comparative experiments have been conducted on the same machine, which runs the Ubuntu 16.04 operating system and has a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPU, 128 GB of memory and 2 TB of solid-state drive. Learn the latest news and best practices about data science, big data analytics, artificial intelligence, data security, and more. The authors would like to thank Prof. Ruiying Yang and Ms. Haiyan Zhou for their inspiring advice and significant assistance during the revision process.

After mining online Italian news over a period of four years, we found that most of the selected keywords impact how consumers perceive their personal economic situation. Even if exploratory in nature, our study suggests that news has important implications on consumer confidence during economic recessions, not only during an economic expansion, as suggested semantic analysis of text by recent research37. Overall, our models confirm the important role played by the media in shaping current judgments and future expectations11, and the impact that national and European politics have on shaping these assessments9. Additionally, we tested a neural network architecture with recurrent layers to explicitly model temporal dependencies.

Danmaku emotion annotation based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory

Despite many promising results, quantum approach to human cognition and language modeling is still in a formation stage. A number of quantum-theoretic concepts and features stay unused, including complex-valued calculus of state representations, entanglement of multipartite systems, and methods for their analysis. Full employment of these notions in methods of machine text analysis is expected to start new generation of meaning-based information science44. Deep similarity between quantum physical processes and cognitive practice of humans is a fundamental advantage of quantum approach in natural language modeling.

Sentence-level sentiment analysis aims to detect the general polarity expressed in a single sentence. Representing the finest granularity, aspect-level sentiment analysis needs to identify the polarity expressed towards certain aspects of entity within a sentence. It is noteworthy that a sentence may express conflicting polarities towards difference aspects in a sentence. The state-of-the-art solutions for sentiment analysis at different granularities have been built upon DNN models.

semantic analysis of text

The model is assessed on the test dataset once the model is fitted; the result is presented as shown below in Table 4. Empirical study was performed on prompt-based sentiment analysis and emotion detection19 in order to understand the bias towards pre-trained models applied for affective computing. The findings suggest that the number of label classes, emotional label-word selections, prompt templates and positions, and the word forms of emotion lexicons are factors that biased the pre-trained models20.

The resulting model quantifies subjective familiarity between cognitive entities that is an essential in knowledge systems36,124. In texts, it allows to extract and quantify meaning relations between concepts, requested for semantic analysis of natural language data125,126,127. Simplicity and interpretability of the model, in accord with the positive results reported above, exemplifies advantage of quantum approach to cognitive modeling discussed in the beginning of this section.

SemEval challenges are the most prominent efforts taken in the existing literature to create standard datasets for SA. In each competition, scholars accomplish different tasks to examine semantic analysis classifications using different corpora. The outcome of such competitions is a group of standard datasets and diverse approaches for SA. These benchmark corpora have been created in the English and Arabic languages31.

semantic analysis of text

Additionally, many researchers leveraged transformer-based pre-trained language representation models, including BERT150,151, DistilBERT152, Roberta153, ALBERT150, BioClinical BERT for clinical notes31, XLNET154, and GPT model155. The usage and development of these BERT-based models prove the potential value of large-scale pre-training models in the application of mental illness detection. Sentiment analysis is perhaps one of the most popular applications of NLP, with a vast number of tutorials, courses, and applications that focus on analyzing sentiments of diverse datasets ranging from corporate surveys to movie reviews.

Most techniques use the sum of the polarities of words and/or phrases to estimate the polarity of a document or sentence24. The lexicon approach is named in the literature as an unsupervised approach because it does not require a pre-annotated dataset. It depends mainly on the mathematical manipulation of the polarity scores, which differs from the unsupervised machine learning methodology. The hybrid approaches (Semi-supervised or weakly supervised) combine both lexicon and machine learning approaches. It manipulates the problem of labelled data scarcity by using lexicons to evaluate and annotate the training set at the document or sentence level. Un-labelled data are then classified using a classifier trained with the lexicon-based annotated data6,26.

A sentiment analysis tool uses artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze textual data and pick up on the emotions people are expressing, like joy, frustration or disappointment. In this post, you’ll find some of the best sentiment analysis tools to help you monitor and analyze customer sentiment around your brand. Decoding those emotions and understanding how customers truly feel about your brand is what sentiment analysis is all about.

Sentiment Analysis of Social Media with Python – Towards Data Science

Sentiment Analysis of Social Media with Python.

Posted: Thu, 01 Oct 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]

In such cases the candidate model is the model that efficiently discriminate negative entries. GRU models showed higher performance based on character representation than LSTM models. Although the models share the same structure and depth, GRUs learned and disclosed more discriminating features. On the other hand, the hybrid models reported higher performance than the one architecture model. Employing LSTM, GRU, Bi-LSTM, and Bi-GRU in the initial layers showed more boosted performance than using CNN in the initial layers.

Social media sentiment analysis: Benefits and guide for 2024

After that, a few sentence examples were selected and analyzed to form a clearer picture of how “stability” was used in the assembled corpora. In addition to its usefulness in analyzing social media discourse, sentiment analysis can also be applied to the examination of news discourse. For instance, Smirnova et al. (2017) used LIWC to examine the sentiment toward Russia and Islam in The New York Times. Some years later, Taufek et al. (2021) used the Azure Machine-Learning software to reveal the polarity of sentiment in the same newspaper to identify trends in public perception of climate change. This study addresses this gap by investigating the use of stability in The New York Times’ coverage of China between 1980 and 2020, drawing on critical discourse analysis (particularly, the discourse-historical approach) and sentiment analysis. A diachronic quantitative analysis demonstrates an overall negative sentiment in news reports relating to China’s stability across these years, with positive sentiment evident only during the 1980s and negative sentiment prevailing from 1990 to 2020.

During translation, the input text is first tokenized into individual words or phrases, and each token is assigned a unique identifier. The tokens are then fed into the neural network, which processes them in a series of layers to generate a probability distribution over the possible translations. The output from the network is a sequence of tokens in the target language, which are then converted back into words or phrases for the final translated text.

According to a UN Women survey, online harassment was the most common type of violence against women in nine countries in the region during the pandemic (Ranganathan et al., 2021). However, sexual harassment is not limited to the online sphere but also occurs in various forms, including gender harassment, unwanted sexual attention, and sexual coercion in different settings such as workplaces, educational institutions, public places, and homes. Throughout the region, gender harassment often manifests through verbal abuse, derogatory comments, or discriminatory behaviour towards women (Asl, 2023; Hadi and Asl, 2022).

This improves data accessibility and allows businesses to speed up their translation workflows and increase their brand reach. This study contributes to the discussion on online media’s role in shaping consumer confidence. By providing an alternative method based on semantic network analysis, we investigate the antecedents of consumer confidence in terms of current and future economic expectations. Our approach is not intended to replace the information obtained from traditional tools but rather to supplement them. For instance, we may use consumer surveys in conjunction with our methods to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the market.

Customers benefit from such a support system as they receive timely and accurate responses on the issues raised by them. Moreover, the system can prioritize or flag urgent requests and route them to the respective customer service teams for immediate action with semantic analysis. As discussed earlier, semantic analysis is a vital component of any automated ticketing support. It understands the text within each ticket, filters it based on the context, and directs the tickets to the right person or department (IT help desk, legal or sales department, etc.).

To measure self-referential language, we used the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count 2015 (LIWC54) I-dictionary and counted the instances of self-referring language. In Study 2 we examined the relationship between an individual’s place ChatGPT within a social network and their tendency to use passive language. We primarily focused on their status and power, represented by the number of followers they have, which are fundamental parts of social hierarchy33,34,35,36.

According to this correspondence, quantum phases are phases of neural oscillation modes65,140,141,142, encoding cognitive distinctions represented by quantum qubit states as shown in Fig. Impossibility of factorization (7) known as entanglement103 is a property of a compound state (4) in which subsystems have potential for coordinated resolution of uncertainties. Cognitive and physiological terminologies reflect quantum-theoretic concepts (bold) in parallel way. In quantum approach, a cognitive-behavioral system is considered as a black box in relation to a potential alternative 0/1. Department of the black box responsible for the resolution of this alternative is observable, delineated from the context analogous to the Heienberg’s cut between the system and the apparatus in quantum physics.

The study also answers several research questions related to sentiment prediction accuracy, loss of predictability when translating Arabic text into English, and the accuracy of automatic sentiment analysis compared to human annotation. Natural language solutions require massive language datasets to train processors. This training process deals with issues, like similar-sounding words, that affect the performance of NLP models. Language transformers avoid these by applying self-attention mechanisms to better understand the relationships between sequential elements. Moreover, this type of neural network architecture ensures that the weighted average calculation for each word is unique.

Regularly analyzing sentiment data helps you track your brand’s health over time. Identify trends in positive, negative‌ and neutral mentions to understand how your brand perception evolves. This ongoing monitoring helps you maintain a positive brand image and quickly address any issues. Sprout provides visual representations of sentiment trends, making it easier to spot shifts in public perception. The Sentiment Summary and Sentiment Trends metrics show you sentiment distribution of how people feel about your brand on social media.

Please share your opinion with the TopSSA model and explore how accurate it is in analyzing the sentiment. From now on, any mention of mean and std of PSS and NSS refers to the values in this slice of the dataset. In line with our pre-registered prediction, these results show that people who participate in a depression forum use passive voice to a greater extent. Given the deviation from the pre-registered plan, we ran a pre-registered replication of Study 3a in which we collected older data, one year prior. Our sample size consisted of 10,000 messages from the depression subreddit and 9901 messages from the randomized control sample. Preprocessing included the removal of links, emoticons, messages tagged as ‘removed’ or ‘deleted,’ and empty text messages.

semantic analysis of text

After initial formation by receptor cells, action potentials are transmitted through multilevel neuronal chains to the central nervous system and the brain where their transformation is observed by variety of physical means48,49,50. Resulting electrochemical excitations ChatGPT App are transferred to the organism’s behavioral facilities by descending neural pathways. All in all, we find that both periodicals show a global tendency toward moderate risk-taking, which is greatly ameliorated by the presence of FEAR in the second period.

  • You can see here that the nuance is quite limited and does not leave a lot of room for interpretation.
  • To maintain output values between 0 and 1 for the binary classification task of negative and positive sentiment, a sigmoid activation function was applied.
  • Overall, our correlation analysis shows that sentiment captured from headlines could be used as a signal to predict market returns, but not so much volatility.
  • The Python library can help you carry out sentiment analysis to analyze opinions or feelings through data by training a model that can output if text is positive or negative.
  • Most current natural language processors focus on the English language and therefore either do not cater to the other markets or are inefficient.

Aslam et al. (2022) performed sentiment analysis and emotion detection on tweets related to cryptocurrency. TextBlob libraries are used to annotate sentiment, and Text2emotion is used to detect emotions such as angry, fear, happy, sad and surprise. They use different settings of feature extraction, which are Bag-of-word, TF-IDF and Word2Vec.

5 using labeled training data, and then exploit the resulting vector representations (the last-layer embeddings) for polarity similarity detection. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. In the implementation, we have constructed the DNN of polarity classification based on the state-of-the-art EFL model28. For each unlabeled sentence in a target workload, we extract its k-nearest neighbors from both the labeled and unlabeled instances.